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Our Services

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Taking blood pressue

Your Cardiology Clinic

At Latona Cardiology, we endeavour to provide you with the highest level of care and expert opinion to help you on your journey to better health.

Doctor and Patient


Useful Facts and Information

Your consultation with Dr Latona will be the time for you to explain to Dr Latona what you are currently experiencing in terms of heart or general well being and discomforts. In your initial consultation, Dr Latona will take a detailed history of yourself and your family history. He will evaluate your heart's health and recommend any testing which he feels will be beneficial for your individual circumstance.

Doctor Checking a Form


Useful Facts and Information

A Transthoracic Echocardiogram (TTE) is a pain-free and non-invasive ultrasound of your heart which is performed by a cardiac sonographer. It provides essential information about the structure and function of your heart chambers, valves and related vessels. You will be required to lie on your left side. The lights will be dimmed to allow the sonographer to view the images more clearly. A small probe will be placed over different areas of your chest in order to assess the heart from multiple views. 

You will be able to see images of your heart on the screen and hear noises of blood flow. You will feel pressure on your chest where the sonographer is imaging. A series of standard measurements will be taken throughout the test.


The test will last approximately 30-40 minutes. 

Running Shoes

Exercise stress echo cardiogram

Useful Facts and Information

An Exercise Stress Echocardiogram (ESE) is an investigation that combines an Echocardiogram and an Exercise Treadmill Test. It is used to measure the performance and capacity of the heart.

The test consists of walking on a treadmill with the speed and gradient of the treadmill increasing every three minutes. The test is stopped if you develop symptoms such as fatigue, breathlessness, tired legs, chest pain or other symptoms or when you reach an appropriate target. Throughout the test your pulse, blood pressure and electrocardiogram will be monitored.

Ultrasound pictures will be taken of your heart both before and immediately after the stress test. If at any time during the test you are feeling unwell in any way, report the symptom immediately.

Patients will need loose, comfortable clothing and comfortable walking shoes. It is preferable that no food, caffeine, energy drinks, alcohol or nicotine be consumed two (2) hours before the test. The test usually takes approximately 40 minutes.

Stethoscope on the Cardiogram

24 Hour Holter Monitor

Useful Facts and Information

A 24 Hour Holter Monitor is a non-invasive, portable monitor which is worn for 24 hours. Three electrodes will be placed on your torso which will provide a continuous ECG reading, recording your heart's rhythm and rate, for the cardiologist to analyse and report.  

Your appointment will take 5-10 minutes. Once it has been placed on, you will be required to return back to the clinic the same time on the following day to have it removed. 

Doctor Using Digital Tablet

Multi-day event monitor

Useful Facts and Information

A Multi-day Event Monitor is a non-invasive portable monitor which is worn for 3-7. days. The patient is advised to continue regular daily duties to ensure that the monitor can retrieve an accurate reading of the heart's electrical activity (ECG).  This activity will be analysed and reported by the cardiologist.


Your appointment will take 5-10 minutes. Once it has been placed on, you will be required to return the monitor along with the spare battery once the testing term has been completed. The three electrodes are adhered with waterproof tabs allowing the patient to disconnect the electrodes and shower.

Chart & Stethoscope

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor

Useful Facts and Information

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor is a portable blood pressure machine that is worn for 24 hours. There is a small computer device which is worn on a belt or around your neck. It is attached to a blood pressure cuff wrapped around your upper arm. At regular, preset 30 minute or 1 hour intervals the computer inflates the cuff around your arm to measure your blood pressure as you go about your daily routine. These measurements are then stored in the small computer and later analysed and reported by your cardiologist.

Your appointment will take 10-20 minutes to put on and 5 minutes to remove on the following day. 

Treadmill Walking



An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a medical test that uses 12 leads to detect heart abnormalities by measuring the electrical activity generated by the heart as it contracts.

This test takes 10-15 minutes to complete.

Blood pressure reader

Exercise Stress Test

Useful Facts and Information

An Exercise Stress Test measures and records your heart's electrical activity whilst under the strain of exercise; walking on a treadmill. The treadmill will increase in speed and incline every 3 minutes, Blood pressure and electrocardiogram (ECG) will be continually monitored.


This test takes approximately 30 minutes.

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